Thursday 23 February 2017

Nice to meet me. eh?

Hi ! Assalamualaikum sweeties and handsome. 
First experience in blogging omg I am so noob and left behind.😎 
Thanks my lecturer for teaching me and forcing me to do this as it contributes 10% to my carry mark hahahahaha...

The day started with raining cats and dogs and yes so lazy to do anything. But life must go on gituwwww haa haha.. Forget about that, instead of gloomy weather, my mood goes same. My best friend's father has passed away. I still cant believe at this early age, her beloved father has left away forever. Be strong buddy ! I know you are strong to through this situation. 

Before i end my writing, let me introduce a little bit about me. I am second year student of Bachelor Science Food Service Management at UPM and I am 21 years old this year. (best ke course ni? kenapa pilih course ni?) still yet, i cant give the answer. i just love what i'm doing right now, enjoy a single moment, make it fun and live your life. So far so good and i am not regret what i have choose.

I think I should stop here since my class will end in few minutes. Bye.. See you again.

xoxo 😚

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Ramadan Kareem

Assalamualaikum dan hai. Pejam celik pejam celik dah nak berpuasa dah kita. Alhamdulillah kita diberi kesempatan untuk berjumpa dengan...